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Dichiarazione di valore Anno Accademico 2020-2021 / Declaration of Value Academic Year 2020-2021

Gli studenti che a seguito della validazione della domanda di preiscrizione e della comunicazione da parte dell’Ateneo, necessitino di richiedere la dichiarazione di valore dovranno rivolgersi alla societa’ di outsourcing Visametric ( e fissare un appuntamento per la consegna dei documenti.

In alternativa alla Dichiarazione di Valore, qualora consentito dagli Atenei, gli studenti potranno ottenere, tramite il sito CIMEA (gestito dal Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca), il rilascio di una dichiarazione equivalente. La procedura tramite CIMEA non è di competenza dell’Ambasciata.


Students who, after the validation of the pre-enrollment application and the communication by the University, need the declaration of value, have to contact the outsourcing company Visametric ( and fix a appointment to submit the documents.

As an alternative to the Declaration of Value,if permitted by the Universities, students can obtain, through the CIMEA website (managed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research), the release of an equivalent declaration. The Embassy is not the
responsibility for the procedure through CIMEA.

List of documents necessary to obtain the declaration of value:

– Diploma of local high school (Attestat) (A. Original document should be legalized with Apostille by the Consular Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs; B. the document should be translated into Italian (not into English), and legalized with Apostille by Ministry Justice)

– Diploma of the local university and transcript (A. Original documents should be legalized with Apostille by the Consular Department
of Ministry of Foreign Affairs; B. the documents should be translated into Italian (not into English), and legalized with Apostille by Ministry Justice)

– Copy of passport and national ID card

– of all the documents indicated so far, two further photocopies must be brought